Burgers' Zoo Mobility
The terrain in the area of North Arnhem is quite hilly. Burgers' Zoo is located in this hilly part of Arnhem and found that some visitors have difficulties moving through the whole park. The long walk combined with the hilly paths make it a challenge for the elderly and disabled. Together with other studies we were involved in the process of creating new ways to explore the zoo.

First of all we had to analyse the current situation in the zoo, including all the height differences, bumps, possible 'obstacles' and path construction material. Secondly the park was tested with an 'elderly suit' and wheelchair to experience the potential obstacles.

We took the results from the first fase and used those in the second fase, in which we interviewed visitors of the zoo to get a good idea of what their point of view on this topic is.

After we finished this first analysation fase we then moved on to the concept fase. We incorporated the results and conclusions into our final concepts and presented those to the managing board of Burgers' Zoo. They were happily surprised by the results of this project and new plans are being made to solve this park-wide problem.

Large scale usage analysis - Future mobility concepts - Totally different design environment