Hi, my name is Bart-Jan Kapteijn. I'm a fourth year Industrial Product Design student at the HAN University of Applied Sciences with the dedication and mindset to deliver
the best possible end product with a wide and exceptional ideation. Designing things out of nothing while combining form and function into a perfect solution is my primary target. Keep on learning and innovating!
Keen to learn - Highly motivated - Always in for a challenge
Besides my design study I also like to take photographs, video footage and flying my drone (editing included), build (& repair) computers and producing music. In the outdoors I enjoy running, hiking, alpinism (high altitude climbing), riding my motorcycle and mountainbike and keeping fit in general!
Fun Side Fact: The website has been built by myself & all pictures are taken by me.
Don't forget to check the Medical LFA Reader, Gazelle Storage Solution and Motorcycle Passion!